Watch James Franco Play Second Banana to Some Very Scary Apes

James Franco stars as a geneticist looking for a cure to brain deterioration in the new Planet of the Apes reboot, Rise of the Apes. And with brand new footage released Thursday, it looks like most people are going to be seeing this movie for its exceedingly creepy simian stars.

In the movie, James is busy testing his brain pills on our genetic neighbors, explaining: "Our drug allows the brain to repair itself. We call it... the cure." Oh the hubris!

By the time he realizes they're making the apes so smart that they're dangerous, well it's already too late. San Francisco becomes a battleground for the war against the apes and we imagine in a few years time the super-smart grunts will have figured out how to topple the Statue of Liberty. Check out the trailer for some ape-on-Franco action.