Simon Cowell Regrets Refusing to Judge Sex Technique

 Simon Cowell regrets turning down a bizarre $150,000 offer to watch a couple have sex and critique their technique. The music mogul, famed for giving harsh criticisms on TV talent shows like "American Idol", was approached by a businessman who wanted Cowell to join him and his partner in the bedroom to judge their love-making skills.

The Brit admits he was so taken aback by the odd request, he had to decline. He tells CNN host Piers Morgan, "He offered me $150,000 to criticize him bonking [having sex with] his wife. The crazy part of the story is I said no. If you're watching, I'll even do it for 50 thousand."

"Maybe it was just the fact I didn't know them that well. I think the fact that he really was taking it quite serious and I knew I would laugh. I just thought, 'This is too crazy.' But I genuinely regret it now."

And Cowell reveals it wasn't the only lucrative deal he's had to turn down. He recalls, "My agent called me up and went, 'I've got some great news for you Simon. You've been offered a million offers for a commercial. But there's some bad news: it's Viagra.' I was trying to work out whether it was a compliment or an insult! I said no. The best form of Viagra is being on TV. Girls will like you more. It makes it easier."