Russell Brand Recalls Painful Moments With 'Arthur' Co-Star Nick Nolte

 Russell Brand suffered for his art while remaking classic comedy "Arthur" - because co-star Nick Nolte kept crushing his genitals in one horse riding scene. Nolte plays the prospective father-in-law of Brand's film persona - and got into character by trying to intimidate the Brit on set.

And than included a few painful moments. Brand recalls, "He helps Arthur on the horse, using his testicles as a fulcrum - my testicles. In my country, if you give someone a boost... (it's) not by the nuts.

"In a film, you have to do things numerous times to achieve perfection, well Nick Nolte, each time he done it (sic), he'd smush up my nuts and after I'd go, 'Oh Nick, you did that thing again when you smushed in my nuts. On the next one, let's just do it using the old foot technique... Let's try another less sensorial appendage'."

"I kept asking him not to do it but he continued to do it; I think because he liked it. By the end of the day I simply had one testicle."