JK Rowling to rake in 100m from Harry Potter e-books

London, April 4 – JK Rowling could potentially earn a further 100 million pounds if she agrees to release e-book versions of her best-selling Harry Potter books.
The author, who had ruled out making the books available electronically for years, is now actively considering plans to make all seven Harry Potter books available on the iPad and Kindle e-book.
“The e-book format is now something that is being actively considered,” the Scotsman quoted her agent as saying.
Publishing experts say the e-book rights could be another major money- spinner for the Edinburgh-based writer, who has an estimated 620m pounds fortune following record-breaking sales of the Potter books and the success of the film franchise.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the rights for the e-books are sold for 100m pounds,” said Liz Thomson, editor of book industry website BookBrunch.
“Experts believe that move could revolutionise the world of electronic publishing, triggering rocket sales of e-book readers such as Kindle and the iPad,” she added.