Nikki Sixx Explodes Over Nude Images' Deletion on Facebook

Rocker Nikki Sixx has blasted Facebook officials for deleting naked images he took of quirky models from his profile page. The Motley Crue bass player-turned-radio presenter and photographer thought fans would appreciate his arty shots when he posted them online, and he's appalled by Facebook censorship.

"I started by posting one of the photos from my book, it was actually an outtake, a way to give fans something that won't be in the book," he tells Spinner. "It was this girl, Farah, she's about 350 pounds and she saw her mother kill herself and was put out on the streets for prostitution and she ended up doing pornography."

"I was looking for a woman that would pose nude that was extremely overweight, there's a bunch of messages behind that. So I posted this nude picture of her and it was deleted by Facebook. And I went, 'Oh, you can't put art on Facebook?' So then I posted another photo that I shot of a guy who's transgender. So he had breasts, but he's still a guy."

That was also removed, and when Sixx tried to post another photo he had taken of a burn victim, the powers that be on Facebook warned him to stop. He adds, "It was also deleted saying, 'Final notice, you can't post any more of your photos.' "